Occupational wellness resources for you

What is workplace bullying?
Workplace bullying is an emotionally and financially costly issue for individuals and employers.
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What to do about workplace bullying
Many targets of bullying feel helpless and unsure of how to handle the situation or make it stop.
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Redefining workplace safety
Ensuring psychological safety is vital to a safe and happy workplace.
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Imposed change in the workplace
Learn about the emotional stages of transition and how to process the change.
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Grief in the workplace
Grief cannot be left at the doorstep when we leave home.
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Difficult events in the workplace
A variety of events that happen in a workplace can impact a person's emotional well-being and ability to do their job.
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Constructive criticism
Offering and receiving constructive feedback is essential for building self-respect and effective relations with others in the workplace.
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Celebrating the women who inspire us
We are celebrating some of the incredible women on our team.
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March 7, 2025

Dealing with impostor syndrome
It’s common to feel like a fish out of water in a new job or personal role. But if these feelings are more severe, you may have impostor syndrome.
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September 15, 2023

Generational differences in the workplace
When multiple generations are brought together, there are both challenges and opportunities. So how can we work better, together?
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June 15, 2023

Battling job burnout
What exactly is job burnout, and how can it be prevented?
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March 1, 2023

Understanding the Employee Assistance Program
Learn about Manitoba Blue Cross's renowned Employee Assistance Program.
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November 10, 2021

Redefining workplace safety
Ensuring psychological safety is vital to a safe and happy workplace.
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October 8, 2021

On the job hunt
With hundreds of people applying for the same job, what can someone do to stand out?
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September 15, 2021

Making the transition back to the office — tips from a mental health expert
Get some tips to make returning to in-person work easier on yourself.
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August 18, 2021

Grieving the loss of a coworker
Learn how to bring the team together and support your staff after the death of a coworker.
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January 19, 2022

Getting and staying motivated this summer
It's natural for motivation to ebb and flow. So how do we maintain our motivation?
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July 2, 2021

Can't break away from your responsibilities to take care of yourself? You could be at risk of burnout.
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July 23, 2021

Strengthening your workplace through diversity
When a team reflects the diversity of our community, it brings a wealth of potential. Learn how a diverse team supports an overall successful workplace.

Networking to benefit your well-being
Networking isn’t just about climbing the corporate ladder – it’s a vital part of maintaining our well-being. Discover how to make purposeful connections.

Staying safe online
As we use technology more in our daily lives, the risk of cyber threats increases. Learn how to protect yourself in today’s digital world.

Being open to feedback
Receiving criticism can be difficult. Become more aware of your strengths and opportunities by viewing feedback as a valuable tool for personal growth.

Using "I" statements
The words you choose can either build up or damage your relationships. Learn how using “I” statements can be a valuable tool during conflict.

Improving your focus
We often find ourselves jumping from one task to another when we get stuck or feel frustrated. Learn ways to improve your focus and concentration.

Limiting sedentary behaviours
Too much inactivity can lead to adverse health effects. Decrease health risks by breaking up sedentary activity with small bouts of physical activity.

Having healthy conflict
You can't always avoid conflicts in life, as having disagreements is normal. Focusing on healthier conflict can prevent damage to your relationships.

Staying safe and healthy while travelling
Travelling can be an enjoyable departure from everyday life. Learn how you can stay safe and healthy while you’re on vacation.

Preventing desk injuries
Sitting for long periods in the same position can lead to injury. Regularly moving your body promotes overall better physical health.

Lifting safely
In daily life, we all lift things from groceries to children to household items. Reduce the chance of a back injury by lifting properly.
Life insurance
Protect the health, wellness and financial stability of you and your loved ones with life insurance that suits your needs.
Legal counselling
Receive the knowledge you need to make informed decisions. Our counselling services provide access to legal information to help support you.
Career and workplace counselling
Feel empowered about creating a fulfilling career and work life. Our services offer counselling on the full spectrum of career and workplace matters.
Organizational assistance
Support the health and well-being of your organization with a range of tailored services that help overcome challenges in the workplace.

Releasing the fear
Relax and enjoy the moment by being emotionally present while mindfully releasing fear. Inspire a feeling of safety and security within you.

Releasing the fear
Relax and enjoy the moment by being emotionally present while mindfully releasing fear. Inspire a feeling of safety and security within you.

Relaxing the mind, body and soul
Take the time to relax by bringing stillness to the body with gentle movements and creating connections to quiet moments.

Relaxing the mind, body and soul
Take the time to relax by bringing stillness to the body with gentle movements and creating connections to quiet moments.

Honouring grief
Create space and compassion while nurturing a dedicated time to grieve. Show up as you are and pause to recognize that your grief is valid.

Holding the hand of trauma
Explore your inner experiences and reconnect the body, mind and soul. Focus on bringing awareness and relaxation to your day.

Grounding through uncertainty
Build resilience that fosters the strength to adapt and go with the flow. Through difficult situations, strengthen the body, mind and soul.

Empowerment to resilience
Build resilience that fosters the strength to adapt and go with the flow. Through difficult situations, strengthen the body, mind and soul.

Grounding through uncertainty
Build resilience that fosters the strength to adapt and go with the flow. Through difficult situations, strengthen the body, mind and soul.

Empowerment to resilience
Build resilience that fosters the strength to adapt and go with the flow. Through difficult situations, strengthen the body, mind and soul.

Adapting to transformation
Turn inward and foster a deep connection with a grounded place, allowing the opportunity to support growth and to release what no longer serves you.

Cultivating compassion
Allow the opportunity for compassion to begin within you. Soften your inner expectations and cultivate kindness from the inside out.

Conflict management and resolution in the workplace
Discover effective ways to handle conflicts by learning strategies for discussing challenging topics and finding resolutions.

Making flexible and remote working a success
From creating a home office to planning your career, discover practical tips to support flexible and remote working arrangements.