Wellness library
Find a range of articles and videos with expert advice on how to support your overall health and wellness.
Written by our team of Manitoba Blue Cross experts.
Written by our team of Manitoba Blue Cross experts.
Physical wellness
Practicing behaviours that support physical health and safety.

Benefits of exercise
While we know exercise is beneficial – do we know exactly what it does for us?
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Diabetes management
Managing your diabetes does not need to be complicated. Just follow these easy guidelines to make healthy food and lifestyle choices.
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Eating healthy in a fast-paced world
With a little bit of intention, effort and planning, eating well is easier than you think.
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Healthy living recipe
The recipe towards success is a simple one, but getting there is the actual challenge.
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How is your sleep hygiene?
Sleep hygiene refers to habits or factors that may promote sleeping well.
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Is it addiction?
Addiction is any repeated behaviour, substance-related or not, in which a person feels compelled to persist, regardless of its negative impact.
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Nutrition and your health
Paying attention to what you eat and understanding the role foods have in your body can help you maintain or improve your health.
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Sex addiction
When does normal sexual behaviour become an addiction?
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What can I do about my loved one’s addiction?
It's difficult to know how to respond when living with a loved one who is dealing with addiction.
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Sex addiction
When does normal sexual behaviour become an addiction?
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How is your sleep hygiene?
Sleep hygiene refers to habits or factors that may promote sleeping well.
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Is it addiction?
Addiction is any repeated behaviour, substance-related or not, in which a person feels compelled to persist, regardless of its negative impact.
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Diabetes management
Managing your diabetes does not need to be complicated. Just follow these easy guidelines to make healthy food and lifestyle choices.
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What can I do about my loved one’s addiction?
It's difficult to know how to respond when living with a loved one who is dealing with addiction.
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Eating healthy in a fast-paced world
With a little bit of intention, effort and planning, eating well is easier than you think.
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Nutrition and your health
Paying attention to what you eat and understanding the role foods have in your body can help you maintain or improve your health.
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Healthy living recipe
The recipe towards success is a simple one, but getting there is the actual challenge.
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Benefits of exercise
While we know exercise is beneficial – do we know exactly what it does for us?
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Emotional wellness
Managing emotions to cope with stress, enjoy life and maintain healthy relationships.

Breaking free of fear
All of us experience fear. It is our best-known, worst-hated companion.
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Sandwich generation
At some time in our lives, many of us will provide care to a loved one.
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Is it addiction?
Addiction is any repeated behaviour, substance-related or not, in which a person feels compelled to persist, regardless of its negative impact.
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Caring for the caregiver
More than 25% of Canadians 30 years-old and up are currently caring for a parent or in-law, many while raising their own children at the same time.
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Avoid the pleasure desert
Don't let self care become another to-do list. Make joy and pleasure a priority in life.
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Anxiety: Learning how to feel better
Anxiety may become a disorder when the fear is out of proportion, ends up causing major distress or discomfort, or limits our life.
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Adolescent suicide
The teen years are an anxious and unsettling period as boys and girls face the difficulties of transitioning into adulthood.
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Emotional affairs: Is a “harmless crush” really harmless?
These days, the opportunities to stray outside of your relationship are abundant.
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Constructive criticism
Offering and receiving constructive feedback is essential for building self-respect and effective relations with others in the workplace.
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Managing change & transition
Why is it that just when we get adjusted to the latest changes, something else comes along?
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Your anxious adolescent
Adolescence is a challenging and perplexing time, as well as a period of creativity, heightened learning abilities and social exploration.
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Living with someone with mental health challenges
Get strategies to support you while supporting your loved one who may be struggling.
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Our modern world moves quickly and we must constantly adapt to the changes.
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Defining and preventing depression
Depression is a common but often misunderstood condition.
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Accepting change
Imposed change - the kind of change that we don't choose and can't control - often brings with it uncertainty, fear and anxiety.
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Grief in the workplace
Grief cannot be left at the doorstep when we leave home.
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Managing depression
Clinical depression is a common and highly treatable condition, but too often several factors prevent people from taking action.
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Getting through grief
Understand grief and how it can impact you and your loved ones, and learn about support and coping strategies to help you through it.
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Preventing suicide
When someone talks about considering suicide or raises concern for a loved one, it’s important to act and seek help quickly.
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What is workplace bullying?
Workplace bullying is an emotionally and financially costly issue for individuals and employers.
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Myths, fables and facts about seeking help
Debunking common myths that discourage many from getting the mental health support they need.
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Managing financial stress
Finances are one of the top causes of stress for Canadians.
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What to do about workplace bullying
Many targets of bullying feel helpless and unsure of how to handle the situation or make it stop.
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Accepting change
Imposed change - the kind of change that we don't choose and can't control - often brings with it uncertainty, fear and anxiety.
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Adolescent suicide
The teen years are an anxious and unsettling period as boys and girls face the difficulties of transitioning into adulthood.
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Anxiety: Learning how to feel better
Anxiety may become a disorder when the fear is out of proportion, ends up causing major distress or discomfort, or limits our life.
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Avoid the pleasure desert
Don't let self care become another to-do list. Make joy and pleasure a priority in life.
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Breaking free of fear
All of us experience fear. It is our best-known, worst-hated companion.
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Caring for the caregiver
More than 25% of Canadians 30 years-old and up are currently caring for a parent or in-law, many while raising their own children at the same time.
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Constructive criticism
Offering and receiving constructive feedback is essential for building self-respect and effective relations with others in the workplace.
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Defining and preventing depression
Depression is a common but often misunderstood condition.
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Emotional affairs: Is a “harmless crush” really harmless?
These days, the opportunities to stray outside of your relationship are abundant.
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Getting through grief
Understand grief and how it can impact you and your loved ones, and learn about support and coping strategies to help you through it.
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Grief in the workplace
Grief cannot be left at the doorstep when we leave home.
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Is it addiction?
Addiction is any repeated behaviour, substance-related or not, in which a person feels compelled to persist, regardless of its negative impact.
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Living with someone with mental health challenges
Get strategies to support you while supporting your loved one who may be struggling.
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Managing change & transition
Why is it that just when we get adjusted to the latest changes, something else comes along?
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Managing depression
Clinical depression is a common and highly treatable condition, but too often several factors prevent people from taking action.
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Managing financial stress
Finances are one of the top causes of stress for Canadians.
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Myths, fables and facts about seeking help
Debunking common myths that discourage many from getting the mental health support they need.
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Preventing suicide
When someone talks about considering suicide or raises concern for a loved one, it’s important to act and seek help quickly.
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Our modern world moves quickly and we must constantly adapt to the changes.
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Sandwich generation
At some time in our lives, many of us will provide care to a loved one.
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What is workplace bullying?
Workplace bullying is an emotionally and financially costly issue for individuals and employers.
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What to do about workplace bullying
Many targets of bullying feel helpless and unsure of how to handle the situation or make it stop.
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Your anxious adolescent
Adolescence is a challenging and perplexing time, as well as a period of creativity, heightened learning abilities and social exploration.
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Occupational wellness
Creating personal fulfillment from work or daily activities.

Redefining workplace safety
Ensuring psychological safety is vital to a safe and happy workplace.
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Imposed change in the workplace
Learn about the emotional stages of transition and how to process the change.
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What is workplace bullying?
Workplace bullying is an emotionally and financially costly issue for individuals and employers.
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Difficult events in the workplace
A variety of events that happen in a workplace can impact a person's emotional well-being and ability to do their job.
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Constructive criticism
Offering and receiving constructive feedback is essential for building self-respect and effective relations with others in the workplace.
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Grief in the workplace
Grief cannot be left at the doorstep when we leave home.
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What to do about workplace bullying
Many targets of bullying feel helpless and unsure of how to handle the situation or make it stop.
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Constructive criticism
Offering and receiving constructive feedback is essential for building self-respect and effective relations with others in the workplace.
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Difficult events in the workplace
A variety of events that happen in a workplace can impact a person's emotional well-being and ability to do their job.
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Grief in the workplace
Grief cannot be left at the doorstep when we leave home.
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Imposed change in the workplace
Learn about the emotional stages of transition and how to process the change.
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Redefining workplace safety
Ensuring psychological safety is vital to a safe and happy workplace.
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What is workplace bullying?
Workplace bullying is an emotionally and financially costly issue for individuals and employers.
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What to do about workplace bullying
Many targets of bullying feel helpless and unsure of how to handle the situation or make it stop.
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Conflict management and resolution in the workplace
Discover effective ways to handle conflicts by learning strategies for discussing challenging topics and finding resolutions.

Making flexible and remote working a success
From creating a home office to planning your career, discover practical tips to support flexible and remote working arrangements.
Financial wellness
Feeling financially secure in a way that provides freedom of choice in the present and the future.

Developing a personal budget
At its core, budgeting is simply a planning tool to help you make necessary financial adjustments to make your life easier.
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Financial planning and your retirement: Are you ready?
Planning for your retirement can reduce stress levels and improve your emotional well-being.
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Managing financial stress
Finances are one of the top causes of stress for Canadians.
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Personal debt management
Debt impacts more than just your wallet and ability to buy necessities.
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Common personal finance challenges
Discover tips for tackling personal finance challenges, such as paying for post-secondary education and planning for retirement.

How to have a better relationship with your finances
Develop a positive money mindset by learning strategies that support your relationship with spending, saving and debt management.
Social wellness
Building and maintaining supportive relationships and dealing effectively with conflict.

Caring for the caregiver
More than 25% of Canadians 30 years-old and up are currently caring for a parent or in-law, many while raising their own children at the same time.
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Connecting with your partner
Healthy couple fact: happy couples are couples who regularly make time to connect.
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Coping with a loved one’s addiction: Am I normal for feeling this way?
No one wants to acknowledge that their loved one could be living with an addiction.
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Emotional affairs: Is a “harmless crush” really harmless?
These days, the opportunities to stray outside of your relationship are abundant.
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Family stress
Family stress can mean troublesome relationships or crises that create distress.
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Have you “baby-proofed” your relationship?
Ease into parenthood by strengthening the couple bond and planning before the baby arrives.
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Is it addiction?
Addiction is any repeated behaviour, substance-related or not, in which a person feels compelled to persist, regardless of its negative impact.
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Living with someone with mental health challenges
Get strategies to support you while supporting your loved one who may be struggling.
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Love is in the little things
Couple relationships are complex and unique to the individuals who co-create them.
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Meaningful apologies
Meaningful apologies are healing acts towards restoring and strengthening relationships.
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Moving beyond job loss
If you are experiencing job loss, you may already know the psychological impacts of this experience.
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Parenting in the divorce zone
Some common sense ways that parenting in the divorce zone can ensure continued positive growth of their children.
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Preparing family for baby
Giving thought to the impact on family dynamics and household responsibilities can go a long way towards preventing hurt feelings and conflict.
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Returning to the nest: Boomerang kids
More adult children than ever before are returning home to live with their parents again.
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Sandwich generation
At some time in our lives, many of us will provide care to a loved one.
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Sex addiction
When does normal sexual behaviour become an addiction?
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Social media and our kids
The advent of social media and its presence in the lives of kids and teens has come at an interesting time.
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Talking to teens
Ever wish you had a user manual for your adolescent? Don't worry - you aren't alone.
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Tasks for divorced parents
How you and your former partner decide to handle yourselves will set the stage for the wellbeing of you and your children in the time ahead.
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Teaching apologies
For many of us, our first experience with apologies is hearing an adult say, "Tell so-and-so you're sorry."
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What can I do about my loved one’s addiction?
It's difficult to know how to respond when living with a loved one who is dealing with addiction.
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Your anxious adolescent
Adolescence is a challenging and perplexing time, as well as a period of creativity, heightened learning abilities and social exploration.
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Conflict management 101
Explore the basics of conflict management, including effective techniques for calming others using the power of attunement and empathy.

Overcoming unconscious bias
Gain insight into unconscious biases, exploring where they may come from and strategies for overcoming them in your personal and professional lives.

Safety and inclusivity for 2SLGBTQIA+ employees
Learn the differences between gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation, empowering allyship with the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.
Intellectual wellness
Engaging in mentally stimulating activities and expanding knowledge through cultural, artistic or skill-based learning.


Accepting change
Imposed change - the kind of change that we don't choose and can't control - often brings with it uncertainty, fear and anxiety.
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Anxiety: Learning how to feel better
Anxiety may become a disorder when the fear is out of proportion, ends up causing major distress or discomfort, or limits our life.
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Avoid the pleasure desert
Don't let self care become another to-do list. Make joy and pleasure a priority in life.
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Benefits of journal writing
People work through difficult times and process their feelings in different ways, and journaling is one effective tool to support this work.
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Developing successful mindsets: Getting rid of negativity
Negative thinking has a lot of negative consequences.
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Imposed change in the workplace
Learn about the emotional stages of transition and how to process the change.
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Living with someone with mental health challenges
Get strategies to support you while supporting your loved one who may be struggling.
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Managing change & transition
Why is it that just when we get adjusted to the latest changes, something else comes along?
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Myths, fables and facts about seeking help
Debunking common myths that discourage many from getting the mental health support they need.
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Negative-thinking patterns
Patterns of negative thinking are automatic; it's one of the many ways our brains learn and adapt.
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Embracing boredom: It's not as bad as you think
Experiencing boredom in our lives can serve as a call to action for positive change. Develop an understanding of boredom and find alternatives to overcome it.

Making flexible and remote working a success
From creating a home office to planning your career, discover practical tips to support flexible and remote working arrangements.

Productivity strategies
Learn strategies to boost your productivity, including how to navigate conflicting priorities, optimize email communication and enhance organizational skills.