Emotional wellness resources for you

Your anxious adolescent

Adolescence is a challenging and perplexing time, as well as a period of creativity, heightened learning abilities and social exploration.
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What is workplace bullying?

Workplace bullying is an emotionally and financially costly issue for individuals and employers.
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What to do about workplace bullying

Many targets of bullying feel helpless and unsure of how to handle the situation or make it stop.
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Sandwich generation

At some time in our lives, many of us will provide care to a loved one.
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Our modern world moves quickly and we must constantly adapt to the changes.
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Preventing suicide

When someone talks about considering suicide or raises concern for a loved one, it’s important to act and seek help quickly.
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Managing financial stress

Finances are one of the top causes of stress for Canadians.
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Myths, fables and facts about seeking help

Debunking common myths that discourage many from getting the mental health support they need.
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Managing depression

Clinical depression is a common and highly treatable condition, but too often several factors prevent people from taking action.
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Managing change & transition

Why is it that just when we get adjusted to the latest changes, something else comes along?
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Anxiety: Learning how to feel better

Anxiety may become a disorder when the fear is out of proportion, ends up causing major distress or discomfort, or limits our life.
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Living with someone with mental health challenges

Get strategies to support you while supporting your loved one who may be struggling.
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Is it addiction?

Addiction is any repeated behaviour, substance-related or not, in which a person feels compelled to persist, regardless of its negative impact.
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Grief in the workplace

Grief cannot be left at the doorstep when we leave home.
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Getting through grief

Understand grief and how it can impact you and your loved ones, and learn about support and coping strategies to help you through it.
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Emotional affairs: Is a “harmless crush” really harmless?

These days, the opportunities to stray outside of your relationship are abundant.
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Defining and preventing depression

Depression is a common but often misunderstood condition.
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Constructive criticism

Offering and receiving constructive feedback is essential for building self-respect and effective relations with others in the workplace.
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Caring for the caregiver

More than 25% of Canadians 30 years-old and up are currently caring for a parent or in-law, many while raising their own children at the same time.
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Breaking free of fear

All of us experience fear. It is our best-known, worst-hated companion.
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Adolescent suicide

The teen years are an anxious and unsettling period as boys and girls face the difficulties of transitioning into adulthood.
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Accepting change

Imposed change - the kind of change that we don't choose and can't control - often brings with it uncertainty, fear and anxiety.
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Avoid the pleasure desert

Don't let self care become another to-do list. Make joy and pleasure a priority in life.
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Celebrating the women who inspire us

We are celebrating some of the incredible women on our team.

Therapist reacts to dating show drama

Reality dating shows give us a front-row seat to the highs and lows of modern relationships. What does a therapist think?

Building bright futures – an interview with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Winnipeg

For 55 years, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Winnipeg has been changing lives by supporting meaningful connections through mentorship.

Guide to winter in Manitoba

With temperatures dropping and snow blanketing the province, being prepared isn’t just smart – it’s essential.

Therapist reacts to holiday classics

Grab a holiday treat and join us for our expert reaction video - holiday edition!

Leading a path forward - an interview with Bravestone Centre

Bravestone Centre has been a lifeline for woman impacted by domestic violence by providing support services for over 35 years.

Creating healthy screen habits for kids

Understanding the health impacts of excessive screen use on children can help you make an informed decision on screen limits.

Dating in a digital world

Navigating the ever-evolving world of digital dating culture requires awareness and adaptability. 

Preparing for the future – the benefits of pre-marital counselling

Pre-marital counselling helps couples ensure that they have a solid relationship foundation as they are starting their life together.

Dealing with impostor syndrome

It’s common to feel like a fish out of water in a new job or personal role. But if these feelings are more severe, you may have impostor syndrome.

Lunchbox lessons – packing healthy meals for kids

A healthy lunch provides fuel to focus and learn throughout the day.

Caring for yourself when caring for others

Maintaining your own health, physically and mentally, is vital to being a resilient and effective caregiver.

Talking to kids about mental health

Talking about mental health is difficult – even for adults. When it comes to discussing mental health with children, the challenge can be even greater.

Understanding social media addiction

There is overwhelming evidence that overusing social media can have serious physical and mental health consequences.

Keep calm and pack your carry-on: A guide to navigating summer travel

There are a few strategies you can try to make any travel situation a good one.

How pets boost our health and happiness

While many of us know the overall joys of pet ownership, there are valuable mental and physical health benefits to connecting with an animal companion.

Supporting the mental health of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community

How can we support our 2SLGBTQIA+ loved ones – not just during Pride month, but all year long?

Climate anxiety – what to know

How can we deal with climate anxiety, while still working toward a greener future?

Scoring big — the power of social connection in sports

Incorporate sports into your social calendar – the benefits are worth it!

Battling job burnout

What exactly is job burnout, and how can it be prevented?

What to expect during a counselling session

What does a counselling session actually look like?

Drinking guidelines have changed – is it time to cut back?

Roughly three quarters of Canadians drink alcohol. But how much is too much?

Getting into gear during the winter months

It’s important to focus on both your physical and mental health during the winter season.

Setting goals for the year ahead

By setting and working towards personal goals, you can create a sense of purpose and direction and ultimately improve your overall well-being.

Building resilience

Do you ever wonder why some people can adapt to whatever life throws at them more easily than others?

A fast track to joy: inside gratitude

As we head into the holidays, gratitude may just be the gift that keeps us going through the darkest winter nights.

What is a psychologist and what services do they offer?

What exactly do psychologists do and what does treatment involve?

Understanding the Employee Assistance Program

Learn about Manitoba Blue Cross's renowned Employee Assistance Program.

Three reasons to take a break this summer

Check out these three reasons to take a break this summer.

The value of volunteering

Volunteering not only helps those in need – it can also change your life for the better.

The therapeutic power of nature

Time in nature can lead to lower levels of stress, anxiety and depression and higher levels of well-being.

The introvert and extrovert spectrum

Where do you fall on the introvert and extrovert spectrum and how can you develop skills from the other end?

The power of positive self-talk

Positive self-talk can improve your overall well-being and help you feel good about yourself.

Spring cleaning for your mental health

Spring cleaning may not be your favourite thing to do, but there is a connection between this annual ritual and your mental health.

Shifting the narrative: men and mental health

Only 30 per cent of people who use mental health services are men. Why aren't men seeking help?

Putting yourself first

True self-care is something that can and should be done regularly.

Problem gambling

Who is most at risk for problem gambling, and how can we help those affected?

Partners in care: Inside our Caregiver Support Program

Caregivers can experience their own mental health challenges and burnout.

Not-so-happy holidays

Get some tips to cope with any sadness or difficult feelings that you may have during the holiday season.

My child is bullying — now what?

Bullies can hurt, scare and intimidate. But inside that bully is still a child who is also hurting or struggling - just in a different way.

Making the transition back to the office — tips from a mental health expert

Get some tips to make returning to in-person work easier on yourself.

Let it be — mindfulness

With so many aspects of our daily lives out of our control, mindfulness helps us manage the only thing we can influence — our thoughts.

How to help your child — and yourself — cope with back to school

Start preparing now to make the stress of back to school easier for you and your child.

How to deal with doomscrolling

When we surround ourselves with information during hard times, we can find ourselves buried in negative news - and end up doomscrolling.

Grieving the loss of a coworker

Learn how to bring the team together and support your staff after the death of a coworker.

Gardening is good for you

Getting outside and growing a garden can make you happier and healthier.

Combatting gender-based violence

Reported cases of gender-based violence are increasing. What can we do to address gender-based violence around us?

Developing a healthy couple relationship

Our online program can help you learn about what makes couple relationships healthy.


Can't break away from your responsibilities to take care of yourself? You could be at risk of burnout.

Networking to benefit your well-being

Networking isn’t just about climbing the corporate ladder – it’s a vital part of maintaining our well-being. Discover how to make purposeful connections.

Improving wellness with pets

Whether you prefer a dog, cat or any other type of animal, pets can boost your health and well-being. Discover the countless benefits of being a pet owner.

Improving sleep habits

Good quality sleep is essential to your health. Learn how to improve your sleep habits.

Strengthening your willpower

Willpower is necessary to meet your long-term goals and resist short-term desires. Discover how to set yourself up for success and strengthen your willpower.

Volunteering to help yourself and others

Volunteering is a great way to give back to the local community.

Being open to feedback

Receiving criticism can be difficult. Become more aware of your strengths and opportunities by viewing feedback as a valuable tool for personal growth.

Reducing cigarette use

Making a goal to quit smoking is an important step toward living a smoke-free life. Learn how to gradually reduce cigarette use for long-term success.

Learning to be more open-minded

Cultivating open-mindedness helps us become better communicators, forge relationships with a variety of people and improve our ability to learn.

Finding motivation

Motivation doesn't create itself. That right moment or drive you need to get things done is something you need to create. Your Wellness Moment explains how to build momentum and increase motivation.

Using "I" statements

The words you choose can either build up or damage your relationships. Learn how using “I” statements can be a valuable tool during conflict.

Benefiting from new perspectives

Hearing a new perspective, even if you disagree with it, is actually beneficial. Keep your mind active and your brain healthy with new ideas and information.

Strengthening impactful leaders

Leaders can have a significant impact on their employees. Learn how a leader can take care of their health and well-being to better support their team.

Turning bad stress into good stress

Good stress can be motivating and drives you outside of your comfort zone. Learn how to turn a situation with bad stress into a positive one.

Laughing for good health

Laughter is a valuable treatment for many things that affect us physically and mentally. Use it as a free and easy way to improve your health.

Having healthy conflict

You can't always avoid conflicts in life, as having disagreements is normal. Focusing on healthier conflict can prevent damage to your relationships.

Developing resilience

Handling life’s ups and downs can be a struggle. Developing resilience can empower you and help prepare you for future hurdles in life.

Practicing gratitude for better mental health

Gratitude is a positive emotion. Practicing it can naturally make you feel happier and improve your overall health and well-being.

Supporting men's mental health

Only 30 per cent of people who use mental health services are men. Understand the challenges men face when it comes to mental health.

Managing self care

Stress is a normal, human experience. Practicing self-care can help you cope with the physical, emotional and mental effects of stress.

Helping children deal with bullying

Bullying can have detrimental effects on a child's mental health. Help protect and build them up with positive self-statements.

Breathing to manage stress

Stress can have an impact on both our physical and mental health. This breathing technique can help you get control and manage stress.

Improving your well-being with hobbies

Life is busy with everyday tasks, but hobbies are more than just fun. Making time for something you enjoy can be beneficial for your mental health.

Soul Nourishment

Find a sense of peace and calmness with a series of yoga, meditation, mindfulness and mudras. Access audio and video collections anytime, anywhere.

Love with purpose

Get expert advice on healthy couple relationships and how to strengthen yours with this self-paced online program. Suitable for couples and singles.

Antidepressant Skills Workbook

Access a self-guided workbook that provides an overview of depression and tips to effectively manage and help change patterns that trigger it.

Relationship counselling

Create healthy, connected and fulfilling relationships. Our services offer support for various couple and family relationship concerns.

Mental health counselling

Take care of your mental health. Our counselling services offer prevention, intervention and treatment to overcome challenging life events.


Access real-time support and expert advice for parents, guardians and caregivers – helping you overcome everyday and out-of-the-ordinary challenges.


Develop strategies and skills to help change the cycle of negative thoughts and behaviours with internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy.


Get additional support for your mental health in a safe, online community while connecting with others experiencing similar situations.

Releasing the fear

Relax and enjoy the moment by being emotionally present while mindfully releasing fear. Inspire a feeling of safety and security within you.

Releasing the fear

Relax and enjoy the moment by being emotionally present while mindfully releasing fear. Inspire a feeling of safety and security within you.

Relaxing the mind, body and soul

Take the time to relax by bringing stillness to the body with gentle movements and creating connections to quiet moments.

Relaxing the mind, body and soul

Take the time to relax by bringing stillness to the body with gentle movements and creating connections to quiet moments.

Honouring grief

Create space and compassion while nurturing a dedicated time to grieve. Show up as you are and pause to recognize that your grief is valid.

Holding the hand of trauma

Explore your inner experiences and reconnect the body, mind and soul. Focus on bringing awareness and relaxation to your day.

Grounding through uncertainty

Build resilience that fosters the strength to adapt and go with the flow. Through difficult situations, strengthen the body, mind and soul.

Empowerment to resilience

Build resilience that fosters the strength to adapt and go with the flow. Through difficult situations, strengthen the body, mind and soul.

Grounding through uncertainty

Build resilience that fosters the strength to adapt and go with the flow. Through difficult situations, strengthen the body, mind and soul.

Empowerment to resilience

Build resilience that fosters the strength to adapt and go with the flow. Through difficult situations, strengthen the body, mind and soul.

Adapting to transformation

Turn inward and foster a deep connection with a grounded place, allowing the opportunity to support growth and to release what no longer serves you.‍

Cultivating compassion

Allow the opportunity for compassion to begin within you. Soften your inner expectations and cultivate kindness from the inside out.